Top 10k strings from World Flags (1984)(Micro-Mart Software).tzx
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15 ;" ": 4 ;"_______" 3 J$="FRANC": 3 ;" " 3 ;" ": 3 2 WorldFlags 2 PRESS ANY KEY 2 ;"_______": 2 ;"CURRENCY"; 2 ;"CAPITAL"; 2 ;" ": 2 ;" " 2 2 1 z$=" " 1 t$="COPENHAGEN": 1 b$="THAILAND": 1 b$="SWITZERLAND": 1 b$="PERU": 1 b$="HOLLAND": 1 b$="BELGIUM": 1 World Flags 1 WWWOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWWOOWWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOWWWWWOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWOOOOOWWWWOOOOOWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWOOOOOWWWWOOOOOWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOWWWWWOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWOOWWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOWWWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 T$="WASHINGTON": 1 T$="WARSAW": 1 T$="TOKYO": 1 T$="STOCKHOLM": 1 T$="PARIS": 1 T$="MOSCOW": 1 T$="MADRID": 1 T$="LONDON": 1 T$="LIMA": 1 T$="LAGOS": 1 T$="HELSINKI": 1 T$="DJAKARTA": 1 T$="BRUSSELS": 1 T$="BERN": 1 T$="BANGKOK": 1 T$="ATHENS": 1 T$="AMSTERDAM": 1 S. Bonnick 1 RPerfect TZX sampled from the original cassette by +Church of the Latter-Day Speccy 1 PRESS ""P""-PLAY,""E""-EXIT 1 PLEASE WAIT 1 PICTURE 1 P=PU+TW+END: 1 Micro Mart 1 M. Tranter 1 L$="UNITEDSTATES": 1 J$="ZLOTY": 1 J$="RUPIAH": 1 J$="ROUBLE": 1 J$="POUND": 1 J$="PESETA": 1 J$="NAIRA": 1 J$="MARKKA": 1 J$="KRONE": 1 J$="KRONA": 1 J$="GUILDER": 1 J$="DRACHMA": 1 J$="DOLLAR": 1 J$="BAHT": 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 Educational 1 C$="USSR": 1 C$="NETHERLANDS": 1 C$="AMERICA": 1 B$="UNITED STATES": 1 B$="SWEDEN": 1 B$="SPAIN": 1 B$="RUSSIA": 1 B$="POLAND": 1 B$="NIGERIA": 1 B$="JAPAN": 1 B$="INDONESIA": 1 B$="GREECE": 1 B$="FRANCE": 1 B$="FINLAND": 1 B$="ENGLAND": 1 B$="DENMARK": 1 A$="FLASHANDBENJ" 1 A$=" ": 1 ;"_____________": 1 ;"___________" 1 ;"_________" 1 ;"________" 1 ;"YOUR SCORE=";P: 1 ;"WORLD FLAGS" 1 ;"UNITED STATES"; 1 ;"TOTAL="; 1 ;"THE NAME OF THE COUNTRY WHICH THE FLAG BELONGS TO.." 1 ;"THE END": 1 ;"THAILAND"; 1 ;"SWITZERLAND"; 1 ;"SWEDEN"; 1 ;"RUSSIA"; 1 ;"POLAND"; 1 ;"NIGERIA"; 1 ;"INDONESIA"; 1 ;"HOLLAND"; 1 ;"GREECE"; 1 ;"FRANCE"; 1 ;"FLAGS="; 1 ;"FLAG ";no: 1 ;"FINLAND"; 1 ;"ENGLAND"; 1 ;"DENMARK"; 1 ;"CURRENCY="; 1 ;"CAPITALS="; 1 ;"BELGIUM"; 1 ;" M.Tranter & S.Bonnick" 1 ;" Peru is a mountainous republic in South America.Its capital is Lima.The population is 16,390,000 and covers 496,223square miles.The main language is Spanish.The main products arecotton,copper & fish-meal. " 1 ;" The population is 112,627,000 but only covers an area of 142,726 square miles.The main language is Japanese and the religions are Buddhism and Shinto.Japan is seperated from Asia by the sea of Japan.Four islands make up Japan Hokkaido, Honshu,Shikoku & Kyushu " 1 ;" Spain is in South West Europe.Its population is 36,021,000 in an area of 194,884 squaremiles.The capital is Madrid and language Spanish religion Roman Catholic.Tourism and industry have developed since the civil war 1936-1939. " 1 ;" Sweden is in North Europe.The population is 8,235,000 and covers an area of 173,666 squaremiles.Its capital is Stockholm and language Swedish.Sweden was once a great viking kingdom thatruled most of Northern Europe. Exports include aircraft,steel, cars,matches & ships. " 1 ;" Russia is the largest country in the world.It spreads from East Europe across Asia to the Pacific.The population is 257,315,000 and covers an area of 8,649,500 square miles.Moscowis the capital city.The main language is Russian.Russia is second only to the production ofgoods and they produce every kind of crop,manufactured items & minerals. " 1 ;" Poland is in central Europe.Its capital is Warsaw andhas a population of 34,270,000 on an area of 120,359 square miles.They speak in Polish and their main religion is Roman Catholicism.Gained independence in 1919. " 1 ;" Greece is situated in SE Europe.The capital city is Athens and main language is Greek and religion is Roman Catholic.Greece is composed of a peninsula and 437 islands.The population is 9,162,000 on area of 50,944 square miles.Exports fruit,livestock,wine & olive oil" 1 ;" France is in Western Europe.Its population is 53,554,000 situated on 211,207 square miles.Language is French and themain religion Roman Catholicsm. Exports include cars,coal,iron, wheat & wine. " 1 ;" Nigeria is in West AfricaIts capital is Lagos and main language English.The population of nigeria is 65,000,000 and covers an area of 356,669 squaremiles.Exports include cocoa,oil & tin.Gained independence from Britain in 1960. " 1 ;" Holland is in North-West Europe.Its capital city is Amsterdam.There are 13,845,000 people living on 12,978 square miles of land.People are Dutch speaking and the main religion is catholicism.Bordered by NorthSea,Belgium & Germany. " 1 ;" Finland is in Northern Europe.Its capital is Helsinki. There is a population of 4,712, 000 covering an area of 130,120 square miles.The main languages are Swedish & Finnish.The main source of income is timber and main crops are potatoes and cereals.It gained independence in 1917." 1 ;" England is in Western Europe.Its capital is London.The area England covers is 50,053 square miles and the population is 46,500,000.England became prosperous in the 1800's and built up a vast empire.The main religions are Protestantism and Roman Catholicism. " 1 ;" Denmark has a population of 5,113,000 and covers 16,619 square miles.Its is situated in North-West Europe and Copenhagenis the capital.Main industries are dairy farming,fishing,ship- building & furniture. " 1 ;" Belgium is in North-West Europe.It has a population of 9,875,000 and covers an area of 11,779 square miles.In North Belgium the people are Flemish speaking.In the South French speaking.Exported products include cereals,flax,handicraft ,machinery and minerals. " 1 ;" America is the worlds richest farming and industrial country.The capital of America is Washington D.C and the total population is 216,136,000.The main language is English and the main religions are Protestantism and Catholicism. " 1 ;" Thailand is in South East Asia.Its capital is BangkokThe population is 43,730,000 andits area is 198,456 square milesMain religion is Buddism.It is bordered by Burma,Laos,Malaya & the sea. " 1 ;" ": 1 ;" Indonesia is in SE AsiaThe population is 130,000,000 covering an area of 735,269 square miles.The main language is Indonesian and Djakarta is the capital.Main exports ars tea,soya beans,spices,minerals & coffee. " 1 ;" "; 1 ;" Switzerland is a European republic in the Alps. Its capital city is Bern and the population is 6,685,000 and covers an area of 15,491 square miles.Main languages are French,German & Italian.Exports includechocolates,cheese & watches.It has been a independant and neuteral country since 1815. " 1 ;" "; 1 ;" 1 1984 MICRO-MART SOFTWARE " 1 "WorldFlags" 1 1 1